Cloud Office co-organized event

Masterclass: AI Adoption

How to Increase Efficiency, Enhance Performance and Improve Productivity

How to turn AI into your practical superpower

The 3rd Masterclass from the AI Explain Series will provide you with practical information and key steps on how to effectively integrate AI into your business ecosystem. 

In recent years, businesses across sectors are increasingly emphasizing productivity and profitability, recognising these metrics as crucial drivers of success and sustainability.

By adopting AI, companies could streamline their workflows, improve decision making, optimize internal processes and enhance overall efficiency. 

The agenda of the forthcoming masterclass will be designed on a modular base, presenting concrete use cases and lessons learned. Participants will get first hand experience and information that enhancing productivity is not just about doing more in less time but about optimizing processes, resources, and technologies to deliver better results with greater efficiency. 

Those that adopt such comprehensive strategies will be well-positioned to thrive in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven world.

Join us on

June 6, 2024

Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia

Event agenda

To be announced