Success Story

Groupama - Prepare for an Enterprise migration

The Challenge

Groupama, a leading insurance provider, faced significant operational challenges due to an outdated and manual infrastructure setup. The need for an effective migration strategy, proper resource management, and improvement in the security measures hindered their ability to scale and adapt to evolving market demands. Upon initiating their digital transformation journey, they realized that certain aspects of their IT team's skill set needed reinforcement to adapt to the demands of the new digital environment.

The Solution

Recognizing the critical need for a robust and secure cloud infrastructure, Cloud Office collaborated closely with Groupama to design and implement a comprehensive Google Cloud Landing Zone, adhering to Google's best practices and the Google's security foundations blueprint.

Leveraging automated controls and Terraform-based deployments, Cloud Office orchestrated a seamless migration of workloads, ensuring a structured and systematic approach to the entire process. A strategic emphasis was placed on enhancing security frameworks, establishing centralized logging and monitoring mechanisms, and implementing a reliable disaster recovery strategy to safeguard against potential disruptions. Our extensive analysis paved the way for the creation of a customized Google Cloud Landing Zone, tailored to Groupama's specific needs and industry standards.

We handled intricate components such as the Interconnect and routing table optimization, significantly enhancing the infrastructure's security and operational efficiency. We also documented our work in Terraform, building a valuable repository of technical documentation that empowered the Groupama team to navigate and manage the new components with increasing confidence and autonomy.

The Result

Cloud Office's transformative solutions enabled Groupama to achieve significant milestones in their digital transformation journey. The streamlined and automated Google Cloud infrastructure deployment significantly improved operational efficiency and resource management, leading to a substantial reduction in manual efforts and enhanced scalability. The fortified security measures and robust IAM role definitions bolstered data protection and compliance, instilling a sense of trust among customers and stakeholders. The implementation of a comprehensive disaster recovery plan provided Groupama with a resilient framework, ensuring business continuity even during unforeseen circumstances. Today, thanks to Cloud Office's unwavering support and strategic guidance, Groupama has successfully established a highly scalable infrastructure that serves as the backbone of their operations. The seamless integration of advanced cloud solutions has not only fortified their operational capabilities but has also laid a strong foundation for sustained growth and innovation.

To find out what's next on the horizon within our partnership with Groupama watch this video testimonial below from Céline Bollard, CEO of Groupama Bulgaria


About: Groupama

While mutualism promotes the principles of proximity (local mutuals), solidarity (grouping for a collective, shared interest), and responsibility by its very nature, Groupama’s agricultural roots provide it with a unique reality:

  • stronger proximity with 2,600 local mutuals and 27,000 representatives;
  • greater responsibility, with a mode of organisation anchored in the territories with the local mutual, which constitutes a community of members;
  • and a real solidarity between each level through involvement at each level – local, regional and national.

France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, China and Tunisia





About Cloud Office

Cloud Office is a Premier Google Cloud partner with a specialisation in Work Transformation and experts in Google Cloud Compute, Cloud Productivity, Digital Natives and Data Analytics.